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smut fungus

美 [smʌt ˈfʌŋɡəs]英 [smʌt ˈfʌŋɡəs]
  • 网络黑粉菌
smut fungussmut fungus


any fungus of the order Ustilaginales
Synonym: smut


  1. Smut fungus of feed plants in Gansu Prov in CE


  2. Analysis of Processing and Utilizing of Corn Smut Fungus


  3. Analysis on Interaction between Sugarcane Varieties and Smut Fungus


  4. Smut fungus causing blackish blisters on scales and leaves of onions ; especially destructive to seedlings .


  5. The paper reported 30 smut fungus species that grew in feed plants and crops in Gansu Province , which belonged to 8 genera .


  6. A smut fungus causing a smut disease of grains in which the spore masses are covered or held together by the grain membranes .


  7. Therefore , corn smut fungus as a kind of rich nutrition edible fungus is the development of health food quality natural raw materials , it has broad prospects for development and application .


  8. A smut fungus of the genus Ustilago causing a smut disease of grains in which the entire head is transformed into a dusty mass of spores .


  9. The product organ of water bamboo ( Zizania latifolia Turcz . ) is the enlarged flesh stem infected and caused by water bamboo smut fungus ( Ustilago esculenta P.


  10. Corn smut fungus is rich in protein , dietary fibre , minerals ( especially potassium , iron , selenium content higher ), vitamins , fungus polysaccharide and reasonably necessary to the formation of amino acid .


  11. That is to say that when the head smut fungus in the soil concentration reached a certain number , the infection rate could reach the maximum immediately , and the incidence rate was not increased because of the increase in fungus concentration in the soil .


  12. The results show that the major factors affecting the occurrence of rice false smut are fungus resource , rice variety , weather condition and rice growth period .
